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Please fill out the following form to add your

charity to our database.

What is the name of your charity?

Please give a brief description of your organization (text only).

Choose some key "search" words which will be used to access your charity (text only).

Separate each item with a comma and enter as many as are relevant.

(ie.  youth enrichment, homeless shelter, food bank, animal shelter, food pantry etc.)








What is the URL for your charity?

(please include the entire link to your home page starting with http:// or https://)

What is the contact email for your charity?

Please upload a logo for your charity

(Please limit the file size to 1 mb)

Please upload a general photo of your charity

(front of building, volunteers in action etc.)

(Please limit the file size to 1 mb)


What is your street address (or PO Box if applicable)?

What city are you located in?

What is your zip code?

Please put the region you primarily operate in.

REGION Final Small.png

What is your phone number?

Are there volunteer opportunities at your organization? 

We accept volunteers

What is the minimum age for volunteering. 

(Leave blank if you do not take volunteers) 

What are the requirements for your volunteers?

(required hours, previous experience, adult supervision, ext.) 

Please provide a link to your volunteering page. 

(only enter a complete URL with the http://) 

You can enter an email address as an alternative.

(Leave blank if you do not accept volunteers)

Do you accept monetary donations? 

YES - We accept monetary donations

If yes, please provide a link to your donation page. If not, leave blank.

(only enter a complete URL with the http://, if you use an email please include "mailto:" before the email) 

What does the money help fund?

Do you accept material donations?

YES - we accept material donations

If you have a specific page for material donations, enter it here.  If not, leave blank.

(only enter a complete URL with the http://, if you use an email please include "mailto:" before the email) 

If yes, please provide a list of specific donation materials that you accept and need.

Please enter specific key words, separated by commas. 

(ie. blankets, food, calculators, blankets, dry dog food, toys)

Please provide details on drop-offs or how to donate for material goods. 

One of our goals is to provide an "upcoming events calendar" where students can find local activities such as races, auctions, and fundraising drives. If you have any events that you would like to be listed, please write them here.

Feel free to link your event calendar here as well.

(only enter a complete URL with the http://)  

Are there any other organizations that you  believe would like to be included on our website? 

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the form.  We will review your information and make sure your charity appears correctly in our database. We strive to post updates to our database weekly.


Once you are satisfied with your answers press submit below. 

Please allow a few minutes for the material to transmit, you will receive a confirmation below once the process is completed.

If you have any additional information, questions or have problems completing the form, please email us.  

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